The Resilient Design Collaborative (RDC)

The RDC encourages and assists the AEC (architectural-engineering-construction) industry in designing and building high-performance resilient facilities that save money, improve people’s lives, and ensure a sustainable future.

The RDC was conceived in late 2023 by Virginia Architect, Steve Sunderman, because it seemed that there was plenty of “talking the talk”, but not much “walking the walk” concerning resilient design strategies for new architectural projects. So, with assistance from the AIA Virginia and ARISE-US organizations, the RDC was formed to advise and assist architects, engineers, and others in identifying project hazard risks and implementing effective resilient design strategies for their actual projects. To date, this effort has been all volunteer-based.

The Problem: There is no greater blow to sustainability than destruction. Climate change is real and significantly increasing natural hazards, damaging and destroying our built environment and way of life. We cannot afford to keep designing and building the same as we did in the past.

The Solution: The AEC industry must create resilient infrastructure so our communities can be sustainable places to live, work and thrive for this and future generations.

The RDC meets via Zoom on the first Tuesday of each month from 3:00-4:00 PM Eastern time with participants nationwide sharing their sustainable and resilient performative expertise.

The RDC will make a positive impact on our communities as well as the entire planet for generations.

  • RDC VISION: All building projects are designed to create resilient and sustainable communities.
  • RDC MISSION: Work collaboratively with the building design and construction community to promote and create sustainably resilient projects that resist, absorb, recover from, or successfully adapt to manmade and natural hazards.
    • Action Plan 1: Organize a group of architects and others to meet virtually and, when needed, in person, to discuss means and methods to implement appropriate resilient design strategies for their actual projects.
    • Action Plan 2: Create a library of resilient design Case Studies for others to reference as examples to influence their project design efforts.
    • Action Plan 3: Create a network of AEC professionals nationwide to collaborate and create resilient facilities for this and future generations.

Please contact Steve Sunderman if you would like to learn more about our mission and how you too can help us advance resilient design strategies for more sustainable communities.

Resiliency Week 2024

Resiliency is the ability to quickly recover from disruption. But, how quickly can our buildings and systems bounce back from natural or man-made disasters? Can our infrastructure rapidly adapt to changing environmental, social, and economic conditions? 

Join AIA Virginia from 12:00-1:00 pm each day from April 22 to April 26 for an exploration of resiliency in the built environment and discover why investing in resilient solutions can help protect us all.


4/22: Luisa Black Ellis with Elizabeth River Project – The Ryan Resilience Lab: Accessible, Resilient Design – 1 AIA LU pending

4/23: Lindsay Brugger with Urban Land Institute – The Business Case for Resilience – 1 AIA LU pending

4/24: Paul Robinson with RISE – Architectural Adaptation and Risk Transfer: Making buildings safer and protection more affordable – 1 AIA LU pending

4/25: Lewis Lawrence with Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission – Flooding is Changing the “Landscape”= New $ Opportunities – 1 AIA LU pending

4/26: Troy Hartley with Virginia Sea Grant – Finding Innovative Climate Solutions: Knowledge Integration through Resilience Design – 1 AIA LU pending

AIA Member – $15
Non-member – $20
Students – FREE

Resiliency Week Events

Register for Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) Seminar and SAP Training Being Hosted During Resiliency Week

During the 2019 General Assembly, AIA Virginia was proud to endorse Senate Joint Resolution 277 which designates the first week of September as Resiliency Week.  For this inaugural occurrence, AIA Virginia will host two events: a Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) seminar in collaboration with the USGBC in Reston and a Safety Assessment Program Training in Richmond.  Please consider joining us for one or both of these events.

Sustainable Building through Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) in Northern Virginia

Develop more efficient, more competitive, and more valuable buildings with C-PACE financing for Existing Building retrofits and New Construction projects! This Lunch & Learn will demonstrate the value proposition from C-PACE to commercial real estate owners, developers, and service providers. Plus, the event will summarize the addressable market for C-PACE across the NOVA Region and provide the latest on progress toward C-PACE in several jurisdictions. Interest in C-PACE across NOVA is growing; this is one event you won’t want to miss!

Learning Objectives

  • List C-PACE (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy) financing benefits to building owners, developers, and service providers, and general eligibility requirements for existing building and new construction projects.
  • Describe how C-PACE financing impacts the economics and accessibility of energy efficiency, renewable energy, water conservation, stormwater management, and resiliency measures.
  • Discuss how to integrate C-PACE into client discussions and project proposals to improve building performance, sustainability, and competitiveness.
  • Describe the addressable market for C-PACE in existing buildings and new construction across NOVA today and one year out.


  • 11:30 a.m.: Lunch & networking
  • 12:00-12:20 p.m. Panel 1: C-PACE Financing Value Proposition for Owners, Developers, and Service     Providers
  • 12:20-12:40 p.m. Panel 2: C-PACE Addressable Market in NOVA
  • 12:40-1:00 p.m. Q&A & networking


Panel 1:  Scott Dicke, Sustainable Real Estate Solutions, Director of VA C-PACE Programs. Daron Coates, Thinkbox Group, Managing Director of Finding Opportunities

Panel 2:    Rich Dooley, Arlington County, Arlington C-PACE Program Manager. Dennis Cumbie, Loudoun County, Loudoun C-PACE Program Manager. Bill Eger, City of Alexandria, Energy Manager

DPR Construction
109 Sunset Hills Road
Suite 200
Reston, Virginia 20190

Date:  Monday, August 26, 2019
Time: 11:30 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.

  • 1 GBCI CE Hours + 1 AIA LU

Registration link:

SAP Training – Limited Seats Remaining

Registration is open for Safety Assessment Training on Sept. 6, 2019, in Richmond. Post-disaster Safety-Assessment Program (SAP) training provides architects, engineers, and building inspectors with the knowledge to provide evaluations of facilities and buildings in the aftermath of a disaster. Learn more.

At the end of this training, you will be able to:

  • Recognize the important role architects and associated building professionals play in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.
  • Accurately conduct a post-disaster rapid building assessment and complete appropriate damage assessment forms.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the Applied Technology Council’s ATC-20 Post-earthquake Safety Evaluation of Buildings and ATC 45 Safety Evaluation of Buildings after Windstorms and Floods damage assessment procedures.
  • Earn a Cal-OES registration ID card.


Date: Friday, Sept. 6, 2019
Time: 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Location: Richmond, VA

Fee: $70 members; $175 non-members

Earn 6.5 learning units | HSW

Register today>>

SAP Program Graduates

AIA Virginia recently hosted its 3rd Safety Assessment Program (SAP) training since the start of 2018. This time last year, we had zero trained architects, engineers, or building officials on our internal roster. Today, we just eclipsed the 100 mark for program graduates. We stand by, ready to assist the Virginia Department of Emergency Management as second-responders after a natural disaster to perform building assessments and help get communities back on their feet.

Read more about the SAP Training Program

If you are interested in bringing training to your region, contact Corey Clayborne at

SAP Program Graduates: (As of April 2019)

Amanda Adams
Regina Alexander
Elinor Angel
Edward Bass
Yulia Beltikova
Scott Berger
Sarah Bettinger
Lauren Bradshaw
Beverly Brandon
Wayne E Buhl
David Burdett
Thad Broom
John A. Burns
Timothy Calhoun
Scott Campbell
Christine Carlson
Sheila Christian
Corey Clayborne
Jim Cochrane
James Colfelt
Tim Colley
Christopher Comeau
Rob Comet
William Conkey
Lawrence Cook
Lucinda Cordo
Timothy Danforth
Abhishek Desai
Mark Dreyer
Matt Duerksen
Rebecca Edmunds
John Elliott
Eliza Engle
Marving Farmer
Manuel Feijoo
Amir Fouladgar
Eddie Fraher
Grace Gan
Lynden Garland
John Gass
Jason Gauthier
Luke Giaccio
Natasha Graves
Christina Harris
James Hoffler
Martin Huck
Peter Johnston
W. Lee Jones
Richard Kadlubowski
Kevin Kattwinkel
William Kaufmann
Christine Kelly
Jean Kennedy Sleeman
Sarah Kimble
Ann Kosmal
Grzegorz Kosmal
Matthew Lawhead
Paula Loomis
Bob Magoon
Jennifer Marca
Georgie Marquez
Harry Martin
Barry Miller
Darryl Moser
Philip Muse
Yousef Nawas
Admo Ogun
Kaye Orr
Howard Pace
Willie Parks
David Peronnet
Bill Pisa
Erik Quackenbush
Dennis Quinn
Brittany Raffin
Edward Rodriguez
Gigi Scovel
Brett Siebenhar
Jonathan Smith
Kenneth Somerset
Scott Spence
David Spriggs
Raymond Strang
Frank Sturgeon
Joshua Swatman
Andrew Swenck
Kenneth Thacker
Justin Trent
Mark Treon
Michael Turnbull
Mabel Tweddle
Lam Vuong
Robert Waite
Timothy Walton
Sabina Weitzman
Mark Wenger
David Werder
Rick Wick
Cynthia Wilson
Tiffany Wilson
Michael Wijdoogen
Dan Zimmerman

What Can We Do?

As we watched the natural disaster in Houston [and surrounding areas] unfold, it solidifies the importance of resiliency and reconfirms the significance of the role we play in our respective communities as architects. By the time you read this, another dangerous storm has hit the populated areas of Puerto Rico and Florida. At our last Design Forum in 2016, held in Norfolk at the Slover Library, we discussed the fragile state of our own Tidewater region. In reflection, I am moved to ask what can we do as individuals, communities, companies, professional associations and as a nation? We have seen neighbor helping neighbor and stranger helping a stranger and you may ask what you can do.

2017 AIA Virginia President Bill Brown, AIA

AIA National is tracking the status of the recovery situation at

In addition, the  AIA is coordinating with local components, agencies and other building industry organizations on response efforts.  Efforts will be further coordinated with Texas architects to perform rapid or safety assessments of homes and buildings once the flood waters have receded.  At the initial conclusion of the storm, AIA National suggested four ways to donate: The American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, Coalition for the Homeless, and Global Giving.  In acting with a sense of urgency, AIA Virginia donated $250 to each of the four entities totaling $1,000 on your behalf.

Our Executive Vice President, Corey Clayborne, AIA, recently connected with his AIA Texas counterpart, to share the action AIA Virginia took, provide a word of encouragement and to let them know the architecture profession in Virginia is standing with them.

At that time, we were informed that AIA Houston was constructing its new office space during the time of Hurricane Harvey.  The office was in a floodplain and the project’s architects designed state-of-the –art flood mitigation that would have been a model for the region.  However, Hurricane Harvey struck too soon and devastated that space with 4 feet of water while also flooding the current office.  AIA Houston is now starting over.

The contractor’s risk policy includes a flood clause and may pay for a portion of the rebuild expense, however, it is accompanied with a $100,000 deductible.  AIA Houston has established a GoFundMe page in an attempt to help defray some of the expenses.  AIA Virginia hopes that you will consider contributing at

Bill Brown, AIA
2017 President
AIA Virginia