New Architects

We understand the dedication and effort required to study for and pass the ARE. Congratulations to the following members for passing their exams and gaining licensure. This is great news that thrills all of us and we are so proud to call you architects!

Mrs. Laurel M. Blanchard, AIA
Ms. Christina R. Harris, AIA
Ms. Sonia R. Jarboe, AIA
Mrs. Abbe Little, AIA
Mrs. Emily H. Winn, AIA

Have you recently passed the ARE? Please send an email to your Member Services Manager at to upgrade your membership and be featured in the next newsletter.

Congratulations New Architects

We understand the dedication and effort required to study for and pass the ARE. Congratulations to the following members for passing their exams and gaining licensure. This is great news that thrills all of us and we are so proud to call you architects!

Mr. Jeffrey S. Armstead, AIA
Mrs. Elisabeth K. Hunt, AIA
Mr. Neil A. King, AIA

Have you recently passed the ARE? Please send an email to your Membership Manager at to upgrade your membership and be featured in the next newsletter.


New Architects


We understand the dedication and effort required to study for and pass the ARE. Congratulations to the following members for passing their exams and gaining licensure. This is great news that thrills all of us and we are so proud to call you architects!

Have you recently passed the ARE? Please send an email to your Membership Manager at to upgrade your membership and be featured in the next newsletter.

Allison D. Dar, AIA
Heidi B. FitzHarris AIA
Jonathan C. Moore, AIA
Nathan T. Williams AIA

Congratulations New Architects

We understand the dedication and effort required to study for and pass the ARE exams. Congratulations to the following members for passing their exams and gaining licensure. This is great news that thrills all of us and we are so proud to call you architects!

Rebecca C. Boller, AIA
Hallie A. Futterman, AIA
Kenneth Charles Harbaugh, AIA

IDP Changes Effective Dec. 16

© 2006, The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved.
© 2006, The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved.

The AIA recently commended the decision of the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) Board of Directors to remove the employment duration requirement in the Intern Development Program (IDP). This change will allow interns to earn IDP experience regardless of time spent on a project. The eligibility requirement is also being simplified to allow interns to begin earning credit upon graduation from high school. The changes go into effect Dec. 16, 2013.

“This is an exciting development many of us have worked for, and for me proof that together the AIA and NCARB have taken the first steps down a road that will have immediate benefits for the young men and women who are the future of our profession,” said AIA President, Mickey Jacob, FAIA.

Internship Advisory Committee co-chair, John A. Padilla, AIA, added, “The elimination of the minimum IDP Duration Requirement for our interns responds boldly to today’s changing nature of architectural practice. This change is monumental in allowing our interns to earn credit for all experience hours gained during the performance of their work no matter the length of their employment with a firm.”

Read the NCARB announcement>>


Licensure Fees to Remain at 2010 Levels

It was noted in March that the licensure fees for Virginia architects would remain as they are for several more years.  The administrators for the board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior designers, and Landscape Architects revealed that the APELSCIDLA regulants’ fees would remain constant maybe through 2017.

The law controlling the assessment of licensing fees requires that the money generated by the fees be within a small percentage of the actual department’s needs.  APELSCIDLA and several other boards are financed wholly through these fees.  They receive no support from the state’s general fund.  Currently the budget figures look good, it was noted during the board’s meeting.

The time required to change regulations means that the board must begin the process a couple of years prior to the date that the department’s administration believes adjustments must be made.  Should 2017 become the target date for implementation, discussions of fees would begin as early as 2015.

In Virginia, architects are licensed for life.  The licensees must renew their registration every two years.  Fees for architects as listed in the 2010 board regulations are as follows:

  • $75 for application for licensure
  • $55 for renewal of registration