From the SFx (Small Firms Exchange)

Great gathering of colleagues from around the country at the AIA National Convention in June. The first time many of us met in person (our meetings are virtual). Our ex-chairperson was shorter than I expected, and I was taller than most expected 🙂

SFx sponsored a meetup with topic experts on the convention floor. SFx DC sponsored an evening reception. SFx sponsored a Saturday Forum (that I missed, but heard it was great). 

Our most recent monthly All-Call meeting was focused on Architect as Developer and the diversification of services offered with presentations by Bob Hillier, FAIA (NJ), Josh Zinder, AIA (NJ), and Alison Agley, AIA (CO). I can provide links to their presentations in the next newsletter.

More locally (AIA Central Virginia & AIA Richmond), C.J. LaMora (recent transplant to Central Virginia from DC) has engaged me and our local board to launch SFx Central Virginia. No sooner had we started this process when I was contacted by Maggie Schubert (Richmond) to see if we could start an SFx chapter in Richmond which morphed into a conversation to start a statewide SFx chapter. We are in early, early, early preliminary discussions to get this up and running, but anyone interested in participating/organizing should reach out to me directly. 

Dan Zimmerman, AIA

Update from the Small Firm Exchange (SFx)

I am thrilled to share my recent involvement with the Small Firm Exchange (SFx) in this edition of our member newsletter. The SFx’s primary mission is to foster connections among local, state, and national members, creating a stronger network of support and collaboration. As part of this initiative, we actively engage in monthly calls with state representatives, discussing pressing issues and sharing insights. Additionally, we organize bi-monthly “all calls,” where we delve deep into specific topics that I would like to highlight. The first brought together the Small Firm Exchange (SFx) and the Young Architects Forum (YAF), reinforcing our commitment to inclusivity and intergenerational collaboration. The second “all call” revolved around sustainability, with a particular focus on the AIA’s 2030 challenge and how small firms like ours can play a pivotal role in driving this vital initiative forward.

It has been fantastic connecting with fellow architects through the SFx, amplifying our collective voice and expanding our professional horizons. The monthly calls with state representatives have provided an invaluable platform to address pertinent issues, exchange best practices, and advocate for positive change within our industry. Our bi-monthly “all calls” have proven equally enriching, offering us an opportunity to explore key subjects in greater depth. The first “all call” was with leaders of the Young Architects Forum (YAF), fostering meaningful relationships and nurturing collaboration between emerging and seasoned professionals. The work of the YAF is inspiring, and during our discussion, we laid the groundwork for future joint initiatives.

In our second “all call,” sustainability took center stage. Recognizing the urgent need to address climate change, we focused on the AIA’s 2030 challenge and explored how small firms can actively participate in and champion this transformative initiative. With a shared commitment to reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable design, we engaged in thought-provoking discussions, shared success stories, and identified practical steps that our firms can take to make a positive impact. By harnessing the power of our collective knowledge and experience, we aim to be at the forefront of driving change and creating a sustainable future for our profession.

I am grateful for the opportunity to represent Virginia on the Small Firm Exchange. It has provided me a way to connect, learn, and contribute. I am committed to representing you and your issues at the national level and encourage any member or chapter to reach out to me directly with issues or concerns. Together, we can make a difference and create a stronger, more resilient community of architects.

Daniel Zimmerman, Registered Architect, AIA

Read the recent SFx Newsletter>>