Join Us in Elevating the Voice of the Profession!

At the Special Meeting of the Membership held on June 3rd, the membership voted overwhelmingly to support the governance change to open up service on the four advisory Councils of AIA Virginia to the membership!

This change will integrate diverse voices from all over the Commonwealth to move the organization forward in the areas of Advocacy, Education, Outreach, and Member Services. Though the Advocacy Council is at full capacity, we have additional space on the remaining three Councils. Click on the links to read more about the duties and experience you can expect on each Council.

If interested, you must self-nominate yourself. Simply send a brief letter of interest and resume to AIA Virginia Executive Vice President, Corey Clayborne, FAIA at by October 29. If this service opportunity isn’t right for you at this time, please do share it with others. Fresh voices are welcome and encouraged to serve!

Fresh voices are enthusiastically encouraged to apply!