New Architects

We understand the dedication and effort required to study for and pass the ARE. Congratulations to the following member for passing their exams and gaining licensure. This is great news that thrills all of us and we are so proud to call you an architect!

Miss Sarah Stumpo, AIA (AIA Richmond)

Have you recently passed the ARE? Upgrade your membership to Architect using this AIA form. or send an email to your Member Services Director, Cathy Guske,

New Members

We are always excited to welcome new members to Virginia. The following members recently joined the ranks of AIA Virginia.

New Architect Members

Ms. Kelly D. Miller, AIA (AIA Richmond)
Mary E. Valadez, AIA (AIA Northern Virginia

New Associate Members

Ms. Grace E. Anderson, Assoc. AIA (AIA Hampton Roads)
Mrs. Olivia Brookman-Amissah, Assoc. AIA (AIA Northern Virginia)
Justin B. Creese, Assoc. AIA (AIA Hampton Roads)
Mrs. Elizabeth Diseati, Assoc. AIA (AIA Northern Virginia)
Mr. Loay R. Elmagri, Assoc. AIA (AIA Northern Virginia)
Mr. Carlos Rodriguez, Assoc. AIA (AIA Northern Virginia)
Ms. Atoosa Sadeghi, Assoc. AIA (AIA Blue Ridge)
Mrs. Fabiola V. Sansaloni, Assoc. AIA (AIA Northern Virginia)
Ms. Donna Underhill, Assoc. AIA (AIA Hampton Roads)
Miss Yuly C. Gelvis, Intl. Assoc. AIA (AIA Northern Virginia)


Mr. Jayson H. Thoemke, AIA from AIA Maryland (AIA Blue Ridge)
Dr. Robert Ernest Johnson, AIA from AIA Massachusetts (AIA Richmond)
Mr. William T. Powers Jr., AIA from AIA|DC (AIA Richmond)
Mr. Keith Stricker, AIA from AIA Maryland (AIA Northern Virginia)
Mr. Robert B. Reinders, AIA from AIA Maryland (AIA Northern Virginia)
Ms. Nicole M. Cavanaugh, AIA from AIA|DC (AIA Northern Virginia)
Ms. Ofra Gelman, AIA from AIA|DC (AIA Northern Virginia)

New/Renewing Allied Members

Mary Theil Holton, Owner/President, Hippo Seal, Inc.
Jeff Gary, Project Manager, Arch Resources
Art Bykonen, Storage Specialist, Spacesaver Storage Solutions
Elizabeth Connolly, Pella Windows of Virginia

View all of the AIA Virginia Allied members

Where’s Corey

Executive Vice President, Corey Clayborne, has pledged to get around the state and visit firms, components, partner organizations, and universities.

Here’s what is on his travel schedule:

AIA Local, Regional, and National Engagement
AIA DC Board Retreat Dinner
January 3

AIA Virginia Executive Committee Retreat
January 17-18

Ambassador Engagement
Legislative Reception with Delegate Wampler
January 2

Legislative Reception with Senator Reeves
January 6

Legislative Reception with Delegate Ward
January 6

Legislative Reception with the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus
January 6

Legislative Luncheon with the Virginia Senate Republican Caucus
January 7

Legislative Reception with the Virginia Joint Democratic Caucus
January 7

Legislative Reception with the Virginia House Republican Caucus
January 7

Virginia General Assembly Prayer Breakfast
January 8

Blues, Brews, and BBQ General Assembly Reception
January 15

This is 2020

Happy 2020! I hope that your year is off to a great start!

I’m very excited about serving as your AIA Virginia president this year. I look forward to working closely with our EVP, Corey Clayborne, his stellar staff of Rhea, Cathy, Keesha, and Judy, and my fellow Board members to accomplish many things in 2020.

Beth Reader, FAIA

I’ve been active in the AIA since I joined in 1991 and am co-founder and principal at Reader & Swartz Architects in Winchester.

Some of the items I’m looking forward to us accomplishing, as a team, in the key areas of governance, education, outreach, advocacy, and member services are:

  • Adopting our Strategic Plan in early 2020. Our new Strategic Plan will act as our roadmap and will guide our Board of Director’s and staff’s work over the next three years.
  • Hosting our always thought-provoking, biennial Design Forum, which is one of my favorite AIA Virginia events. This year’s forum will be held in March in Richmond and will feature Steven Holl as our keynote speaker. Registration is now open!
  • Exploring ways to invigorate and improve our members’ annual Architecture Exchange East experiences. We are always working to enhance the value of this signature event, so if you have any suggestions please send them my way.
  • Launching a digital Inform magazine. It’s been several years since we published a hard copy of Inform, and I’ve missed keeping up with all of the beautiful projects being built around the Commonwealth.
  • Investing in the future of our young professionals by helping our Associate members gain access to ARE prep materials.
  • Advocating for the establishment of a statute of limitations for state projects.
  • Strengthening our connections to AIAS in our universities.
  • Exploring the creation of a new Virginia chapter of NOMA.

Again, I am looking forward to working with the team and our members on these and many more items. If you’d like to share your input, feel free to reach out to me at

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and professionally fulfilling 2020!



“December, being the last month of the year, cannot help but make us think of what is to come.” ― Fennel Hudson, A Meaningful Life

My sentiment exactly as I write my final letter as AIA Virginia 2019 president, reflecting on what has been a full but satisfying year, and looking forward to 2020 with confidence and optimism.

Rob Reis, AIA

Change seemed to be a recurring theme in 2019 as AIA Virginia moved from the Branch House to renovated space in the Bookbindery Building, worked with the Branch to mutually transition each organization to independence, and orchestrated the final step of eliminating supplemental dues. Amazingly, while in a sea of change AIA Virginia staff maintained their positive, helpful, and collegial spirit, along with a laser focus and a remarkably high level of productivity. I thank them for their dedication, support, and seemingly endless energy, which I’m convinced trickles down from the top through the passion and vision that EVP Corey Clayborne brings.  I’m fortunate to have benefitted this past year from Corey’s keen insight, advice, timely sense of humor, and friendship.

I’m also fortunate to have served with a dedicated and exceptionally effective Board of Directors, bringing a wide range of perspectives and expertise. I thank each Director for the knowledge, energy, and flexibility they brought to our common objectives and to advancing their particular passion.

2019 was shaped by a series of successful programs and initiatives, growing AIA Virginia’s presence and influence while connecting members, students, and the allied industries. In collaboration with the associated architecture schools, AIA Virginia BoD meetings were held at Hampton University and the Washington-Alexandria Architecture Center, providing the Board opportunities to engage with students. The ACE programs – collaborative events initiated in 2018, bringing together the architecture, construction and engineering professions – continued successfully across the state in 2019, and the second bi-annual Art of Practice held at the Winery at Bull Run was distinguished by both program and setting.

Architecture Exchange East, deftly organized, brimming with activity, and pulsating with the energy of connections and interaction, proved to truly be our great annual architecture get-together. The theme of re:culture resonated through an array of compelling keynotes, curated learning zones, and seminars, but was perhaps most tangibly evident in our emerging professionals – YAF, the 2019 ELA class, and budding leaders like Pascale Sablan, AIA, NOMA, LEED AP and her SAT IT LOUD initiative – and their exponentially growing influence and promise.

I enthusiastically welcome our incoming 2020 AIA Virginia President, Beth Reader, FAIA. Beth brings a wonderful blend of thoughtfulness, curiosity, and creativity, and I look forward to continuing my service to AIA Virginia alongside her.

And a final thought… fifteen years ago when my wife Lily and I arrived in Virginia I could hardly have imagined serving as AIA Virginia president, much less someday having many, many AIA friends and colleagues across the state – humbled and appreciative, I offer my heartfelt thanks to all of you!

Best in 2020!

Rob V Reis, AIA, LEED AP
AIA Virginia

Presidential Citations Awarded to UVA and Frickie

At Visions for Architecture, AIA Virginia President Rob Reis, AIA, awarded Presidential Citations to The University of Virginia School of Architecture and Brian Frickie, AIA.

The citation to the University of Virginia School of Architecture reads:

AIA Virginia is privileged to confer this Presidential Citation upon The University of Virginia School of Architecture Recognizing 100 years of unparalleled contributions to the profession through the education and training of Virginia practitioners, educators, and scholars in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, planning, architectural history and building technologies, while steadfastly advancing design innovation, technical research and critical thinking; AIA Virginia hails a legacy positioned to inform a more valiant, just, sustainable, and aesthetic future.

University of Virginia’s Felipe Correa (center) accepts the Presidential Citation from AIA President Rob Reis, AIA (left) and AIA Virginia EVP, Corey Clayborne, AIA (right). Photo by Yuzhu Zheng.

The citation to Brian Frickie, AIA reads:

AIA Virginia is privileged to confer this Presidential Citation upon Brian J. Frickie, AIA, LEED AP for his outstanding leadership as the Region of The Virginias Regional Director on the AIA Strategic Council. Further, his colleagues in Virginia acknowledge his notable dedication to shaping the profession’s future through his service as Chair of the Institute’s Strategic Planning Committee and Leadership Development Program Steering Group.

Brian Frickie, AIA, (center) accepts the Presidential Citation from AIA President Rob Reis, AIA (left) and AIA Virginia EVP, Corey Clayborne, AIA (right). Photo by Yuzhu Zheng.

Current AIA Membership Incentives

  • Join or rejoin for 2020 by December 31, 2019, and you could win an iPad Air 64 GB or one of three Visa Gift Cards.
  • Pay your dues in up to six monthly installments with the Dues Installment Program. Enrollment begins October 1, 2019, and is available through April 30, 2020.
  • Join the AIA now as a new member for 2020 and enjoy free membership for the remainder of 2019 and free registration for A’20 conference in Los Angeles.
  • Architecture school graduates receive complimentary AIA membership at the Associate level for up to 18 months upon the date of graduation.

Learn more about these incentives at

New YARD Selected

The Board of Directors of the American Institute of Architects Region of The Virginias has selected Allie Ditzel, AIA, as Regional Director for the 2020 – 2022 term on the Young Architects Forum, a National AIA Committee.

Allie is a Project Architect at HGA Architects & Engineers in Northern Virginia and received her M.Arch from Virginia Tech WAAC. She shared that she believes, “young architects if given the right tools will engage on important issues facing their communities and by default the world. We need to support, mentor and empower individuals to find their place within our field and continue to build a supportive community within the AIA for which they can rely.”

Jay Scruggs, AIA, Director at HGA Architects & Engineers, comments that “Allie is a dedicated employee, and she contributes to the community, our firm, and our office in many ways. Within AIA, Allie provides ARE instruction for young aspiring architects through YAF and AIA Northern Virginia. She also is a mentor through the AIA Women in Architecture Mentorship Pairing Program and attended the Women’s Leadership Summit this year in Minneapolis. Allie has a keen interest in mentorship and furthering the professional growth of young aspiring architects.”

The Young Architects Regional Director (YARD) serves as a link between the YAF and regional AIA members. YARDs are also responsible for gathering information about issues facing young Architects within their Regions and helping to disseminate information about national/regional activities and resources.

At The Last Board Meeting

AIA Virginia | 2019 Board of Directors
October 11, 2019
Virginia Tech – Washington Alexandria Architecture Center

Motions Made and Approved:
The Board of Directors of AIA Virginia voted as follows:

  • Approval of the August 16, 2019, Meeting Minutes
  • Acceptance of the Honors Committee Diversity Task Force Recommendations
  • Approval of creation of the Invest in the Future Task Force

Written reports were provided for the following consent agenda items:

  • PAC Update
  • Membership Update
  • Disaster Assistance Committee Update
  • Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Update
  • ACE Joint Owner Forum
  • Helene C. Dreiling, FAIA Fellowship Award
  • University Reports

Questions regarding the written reports were answered to provide additional clarification. Members may request a copy of these written reports by emailing AIA Virginia Executive Vice President, Corey Clayborne, AIA at


Position Architects as vital contributors to our built environment.

  • An overview of the Honors Committee Diversity Task Force’s charges, the process for engaging pertinent stakeholders, deliberations and recommendations were provided. A motion was presented by the Task Force recommending acceptance of the presented recommendations. The motion passed unanimously.

Advance the knowledge and expertise of members.

  • The Emerging Leaders in Architecture program’s class project is in Northern Virginia and will be presented at Architecture Exchange East. The application deadline for the 2020 class is November 8 and the project will be in Norfolk.
  • The revenue, registration counts, and demographics to date of Architecture Exchange East 2019 were presented.

Advocate for the profession.

  • The jury’s selected option for the PAC Pin design competition was presented.
  • The status of the organization’s advocacy efforts related to the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Statute of Limitations (SOL) was provided. The Executive Vice President attended an industry-wide presentation by the Department of General Services on October 3 which briefed attendees on the August survey results. A bill is expected to be introduced by the Associated General Contractors providing a finite limit on the SOL in which AIA Virginia will support.


Treasurer’s Report:
The organization’s Balance Sheet was presented which indicates the cash and cash equivalents are approximately $78k greater than at this point last year. It was noted that revenue associated with Architecture Exchange East is lower than at this time last year. The organization’s excess of revenue over expenses was recorded at just under $55k.

New Business:

  • The 2019 General Assembly directed the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development in SB1755 to develop proposals for building code changes to counteract the threats of active shooters in schools. The review required the examination of locking devices, barricade devices, and other safety measures. AIA Virginia’s position is that architects will implement the requirements of the building code language that is adopted.
  • It is expected that the 2020-2022 Strategic Plan will be voted on at the February 2020 Board meeting.
  • The National Organization of Minority Architects Exploratory Committee has been formed to determine the requirements and feasibility of starting a Virginia chapter. Its first meeting was held on October 17.
  • The Region of The Virginias Young Architects Regional Director position will need to be filled by the end of the year.
  • The Invest in the Future Task Force was created to explore how the organization can better position itself to invest in the future generation of the profession.
  • The Branch Museum of Architecture and Design hosted “Learning from Landmarks” on October 21. The event consisted of a moderated interview with Hugh Miller, FAIA.
  • Howard University hosted the Howard Modern Tour Day on October 26 on its campus in Washington, D.C.

The next meeting of the 2019 AIA Virginia Board of Directors will take place Thursday, December 12, 2019, at AIA Virginia’s Headquarters.