New Members

We are always excited to welcome new members to Virginia. The following members recently joined the ranks of AIA Virginia.

New Architect Members

Jessie Gemmer, AIA (Richmond)
Ali Parva, AIA (Northern Virginia)
Angelo S. Phillos, AIA (Richmond)

New Associate Members

Houda Boudjemaa, Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)
Saeideh Chaharbaghi, Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)
Lauren Peterson, Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)
Weonyoung Rho, Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)
Eman Elnorag, Intl. Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)

New/Renewed Allied Members

Jim Jenkins, Region Sales Manager, Huber Engineered Woods
Marie White, Account Representative, APCO Graphics, Inc.

View all of the AIA Virginia Allied members

Newly Licensed

We understand the dedication and effort required to study for and pass the ARE. Congratulations to the following member for passing their exams and gaining licensure. This is great news that thrills all of us and we are so proud to call you an architect!

Sean N. McGillicuddy AIA (Northern Virginia)

Have you recently passed the ARE? Upgrade your membership to Architect using this AIA form. or send an email to your Member Services Director, Cathy Guske,

Have questions about licensure? Contact AIA Virginia’s State Licensing Advisor, Michael Hammon, AIA at

Associated Thoughts: Design Forum

AIA Virginia’s Design Forum, held this past June 3rd and 4th in Arlington, was the first in-person gathering for design-centric dialogue since its virtual transition in 2020. This year, the theme “South is Up!” featured Latin American designers and architects and the work they’ve done to improve not only their local communities but their countries as a whole through innovative and relationship-centric design.

Their projects, ranging from multi-family dwellings and single-family retreats to modern art museums and kindergarten school systems, emphasized the role that architecture has on society and the human condition. Thank you to Smiljan Radić – Chile, Viviana Peńa – Colombia, Alberto Kalach – Mexico, and Cazú Zegers – Chile for speaking about your experiences with AIA Virginia and our virtual attendees!

Kristen, Enid, Caitlin, and Cheyenne

Sitting among colleagues and friends as we listened to the effect architecture has made in South America was already a powerful experience, but as an emerging professional in architecture, each message behind the presentations was more impactful than the last. Viviana Peńa’s presentation, titled “Architecture as an Instrument of Transformation,” featured three case studies from her hometown in Medellin, Colombia – community kindergartens, the Medellin Modern Art Museum, and a single-family residence near a forest reserve. She walked us through each of her projects using concise bullet points that explained how Colombia’s turbulent history has changed the country’s political landscape, and how architecture has an opportunity to remedy many of their challenges. Her mission through working on community kindergartens was to elevate the children of low-income families through improved education programs, thereby eliminating the perpetual cycle of generational poverty.

Cazú Zeger had a similar message of increasing educational opportunities for her country’s children, but her passion lies in changing the architecture education curriculum so that students can become the change she wishes to see in Chile’s future. Her architecture workshop for students in Chile achieves that, because as she explained in her “Mondo Nostro – The 21st Century Agency” presentation, man is a part of the natural ecosystem, and designed to integrate into the system rather than on top of the system is a mindset our culture must learn and adapt to.

Meeting in person for Design Forum was especially valuable because it provided an opportunity for architecture students to be a part of our industry’s conversations. I was joined by three Architectural Design students from James Madison University, and the conversations we had over coffee following the conference highlighted how we envisioned our future in the built environment. Cheyenne, Enid, Kristen, and I discussed how design impacts the communities we inhabit, and how architectural academia can adapt to the rapidly-changing society and climate we live in. Students play a vital part in the future of architecture, and their participation and discussion at Design Forum were inspiring. All of this to say – Invite architecture students to AIA events and make them a part of the conversations we are having today.

Feel free to connect with me, too. What are some ways your firm is working with students and emerging professionals? Send me an email or a message on LinkedIn!

As always, I’m here for you.

Caitlin Morgan, Assoc. AIA, CSI-EP, CDT
Associate Director, AIA Virginia Board of Directors

Young Architect’s Forum Update

Happy June everyone, there are a few updates and deadlines from the Young Architect’s Forum (YAF). It is all exciting and asking for engagement, so please read on!

  • Applications for Summit 30 – Due 6/19
  • Submissions for the next issue of the publication “Connection” – Due 7/29

Summit 30

Every 5 years the YAF undertakes its strategic planning for the next 5 years at our Summit. This year is the 30th anniversary of the YAF, hence the name “Summit 30.” The Code Red Charrettes discussed in my previous post gave us the thoughts, opinions, and sentiments from a wide range of architects that armed us with information for Summit, themed “Mission: 2130”–discussing critical issues facing the next 100 years. If you participated in the Charrettes thank you for your valuable input! Apply by June 19th at THIS LINK to be one of the select 50 people in the room to help shape the future of the YAF and its strategic goals for the next 5 years.

Connection Publication

Did you know that the YAF publishes a quarterly online magazine called Connection? Last year, we published an article titled “Becoming Visible”, amplifying the voices of young architects and emerging professionals advocating for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in architecture. In order to further these efforts, we would like to continue celebrating and featuring young architects and emerging professionals who have done great work in the world of architecture, particularly in advocating for diversity and inclusion in our field, through social media and a second Becoming Visible article in the Fall/Winter issue. We are looking for “emerging professionals” (less than 10 years since college graduation) and “young architects” (less than 10 years licensed) to showcase and inspire others. If you know someone who fits the bill, please contact me with their name and email address and I can contact them directly about the logistics. Please also feel free to forward this message to your other networks!

Anyone can contribute to Connection, and it is an easy way to be recognized and published. The next theme is “Career Evolution” and the content is due July 29th. Reach out if you have ideas or want to contribute to Carrie Parker at

As always, stay connected to the YAF in our channels:

  • AIA Knowledge Net (most comprehensive) 
  • Quarterly YAF Publication “Connection”. Links from Knowledge Net, are also available HERE.
  • Twitter: @YAF
  • Facebook: @AIAYAFNational
  • Instagram: aiayaf
  • Linkedin: AIA YAF

Strategic Council Applications Open

The AIA Strategic Council (“Council”) is a diverse group of over 60 forward-thinking leaders, charged with exploring new ideas and solutions to significant issues facing the profession of architecture and its role in society. The Council seeks to prioritize and make advancements by informing the AIA Board of Directors and other Institute bodies about important professional issues and opportunities.

The Council is not an AIA governing body, which allows it the freedom to explore issues outside of current constructs. The Council’s primary focus is the future of the profession. A recent and profound example of this is the Council’s effort, along with the Board of Directors, to create the 2021–2025 AIA Strategic Plan.


While the form and operation of the Strategic Council have continued to evolve since its inception in 2015, engaged and effective Councilors over this time have several shared qualities.

We are seeking individuals with the following characteristics:

  • A true representative of our state’s members, that can bring forth the diversity of perspectives within our various communities
  • An exemplary communicator, a listener, and advocate who will capably serve as an active conduit for information and ideas to and from our members.
  • A natural leader, able to inspire, collaborate and work with others, who possess a bias for action.
  • A reflective thinker who offers expertise, experience, insight, and/or unique perspectives.

The AIA Bylaws do not require that state representatives be Architect members.

Questions for potential candidates may include:

  • Do you want to make a difference?
  • Are you an individual committed to action?
  • Do you embody the qualities of an engaged and effective councilor?

Commitments and Expectations of a Strategic Councilor

Click here to review the latest Handbook for the Strategic Council.

In addition, you can contact Donna Dunay, FAIA, Virginia’s current representative to the AIA Strategic Council ( with additional questions.

Application Requirements

AIA Membership – Applicant must be an AIA Virginia member in good standing.

Letter of Interest – From Applicant. Indicate understanding of the position, qualifications/experience, and reasons for seeking election. Limit one-page.

Letter of Nomination – From an AIA local or state component Board Member. Indicate the connection between the Strategic Council position and the Nominee’s leadership qualities. Limit one-page.

Letter of Recommendation – From an AIA member. Indicate Nominee’s qualifications for the Strategic Council position. Limit one-page.

Letter of Support – From Employer. A Principal (or Officer) within the candidate’s firm must commit to supporting the candidate in fulfilling the role’s obligations. Limit one page on company letterhead.

Personal Resume – Indicate education, employment history, organizations, activities, honors, and awards. Limit two pages (It is NOT in the applicant’s best interest to simply submit a firm resume with project experience).


Completed applications must be submitted by email as a single PDF to Donna Dunay, FAIA, Virginia’s representative to the AIA Strategic Council ( AND Helene Combs Dreiling, FAIA, Interim Executive Vice President of AIA Virginia ( no later than Friday, July 8, 2022.

Selection Process

The Nominating Committee will make a recommendation to the Board of Directors to take action at its August 5, 2022 meeting.

Let’s Make Some Noise

There has been some pushback from members who are perplexed at the emphasis being placed by our Institution on issues of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion.  In this polarized environment, some believe that any mention or effort to celebrate one community over another or to acknowledge past injustices in our society is unwarranted and pits one group over another.  I realize that in my capacity as President, I represent the entire membership; that we form a broad coalition of every ethnic, gender, faith-based, stripe of multiple national origins and sexual identities.  It is my goal, this year, to celebrate the uniqueness of our membership in all of its splendor. 

Robert Easter, FAIA

But I have to be clear that acknowledgment of some contributions is long overdue.  Whitney Young, in 1968, said that the architectural profession had distinguished itself for its silence in addressing the social inequities experienced by racial minorities in our country.  The AIA response was the creation of an award named after him.  And more silence. In the 54 years since that address, little has changed.  In 1968, two percent of our professional licensees were African American. Today, it is still two percent.

Enrollment in our accredited programs has become more diverse. Increased numbers of women and persons of color and members of multiple ethnic and racial communities are being realized in most schools across the country.  But our profession is still indistinguishable from its silent past. 

The letters we have received expressing outrage and discomfort about the emphasis being placed on issues of social justice by our Institute, nationally and within our state, voice a real concern about human relations and social interaction.  Some are feeling left out.  I can only imagine that the discomfort being felt by those authors is palpable and beg for a remedy that will quell their uneasiness.  They want the messaging to stop and return to a dialog about good design and extraordinary buildings. 

As your president, I wish I could eliminate the awkwardness some might feel.  Just as I wish that presidents from 1968 until the recent past had felt the discomfort of their membership who were isolated and marginalized for their gender, their appearance, their life choices, or their God-given skin tone.  Change is uncomfortable, but it is also inevitable.  We either grow or protest; we embrace it or fear it.  Everybody won’t always be the center of attention, the beneficiaries of a tainted, flawed, and highly prejudiced system.  

It would have been nice if our collective voices had to be raised fifty years ago, or even forty. Thirty wouldn’t have been too bad. But instead… silence.  Please know that I certainly understand what it means to feel uncomfortable, and I am grateful that we as a profession are speaking up and speaking out.  For the past few years, architects are making some noise.  It is inspiring.  It is impactful.  It is uncomfortable.  And it beats the silence.

Robert Easter, FAIA
AIA Virginia President

At The April Board Meeting


AIA Virginia | 2022 Board of Directors
April 1, 2022
Hampton University

Motions Made and Approved:

The Board of Directors of AIA Virginia voted as follows:

  • Appointments to the 2022 Disaster Assistance Committee
  • Approval of Revisions to the T. David Fitz-Gibbon Architecture Firm Award in the Rules of the Organization
  • Appointments to the Pathways into the Profession Inclusivity Study Task Force
  • Appointments to the 2022 Nominating Committee
  • Approval of Revisions to Director Counts in the Rules of the Organization
  • Appointment to the 2022 PAC Board of Trustees

Written reports were provided for the following consent agenda items:

  • Advisory Council Updates
  • Strategic Planning Update                                                                 
  • PAC Update                                                                                                   
  • General Assembly Update
  • Secretary’s Advisory Committee Update
  • Membership Update
  • Amber Book Program Update           
  • Emerging Leaders in Architecture Update
  • Operation Reach, Retain, and Develop Update
  • AIA National Conference on Architecture
  • HousingX Conference Partnership
  • Mayor’s Innovation Project – Town of Blacksburg
  • Advisory Council Rosters                                                                              
  • Proposed Amendments to AIA National Bylaws                                                                                           

Members may request a copy of these written reports by emailing AIA Virginia Executive Vice President, Corey Clayborne, FAIA at

The next meeting of the AIA Virginia Board of Directors will be held virtually on June 17.

New Members

We are always excited to welcome new members to Virginia. The following members recently joined the ranks of AIA Virginia.

New Architect Members

Luis Clemente, AIA (Northern Virginia)
Cheng Gao, AIA (Northern Virginia)
Charu McDermott, AIA (Northern Virginia)
Adrienne Stronge, AIA (Central Virginia)
Michael Mauceri, AIA (Blue Ridge)
Tara Semtner, AIA (Richmond)

New Associate Members

Crystal Wolfe, Assoc. AIA (Hampton Roads)
Monica Flippen, Assoc. AIA (Richmond)
Ryan Minar, Assoc. AIA (Blue Ridge)
Sandra Callejas, Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)
Ella Breidenstine, Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)
Bao Nguyen, Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)
Yinzhu Yao, Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)

New/Renewed Allied Members

Patrick Dyer, Vice President, Gulf Seaboard General Contractors Inc
Elizabeth Connolly, Architectural Representative, Pella
Walter Lourie, Sustainability Manager, mafi
K.C. Haile, Sr. VP, Whiting-Turner

View all of the AIA Virginia Allied members

Newly Licensed

We understand the dedication and effort required to study for and pass the ARE. Congratulations to the following members for passing their exams and gaining licensure. This is great news that thrills all of us and we are so proud to call you architects!

Marium Rahman, AIA (Northern Virginia)
Timothy Creasy, AIA (Hampton Roads)
Peyton Bright, AIA (Hampton Roads)
Rebecca Costanzo, AIA (Richmond)
Erin Clapp, AIA (Richmond)
Mariana Torres, AIA (Northern Virginia)

Have you recently passed the ARE? Upgrade your membership to Architect using this AIA form. or send an email to your Member Services Director, Cathy Guske,

Ready to get licensed? Discounted Amber Book subscriptions are available>>

Have questions about licensure? Contact AIA Virginia’s State Licensing Advisor, Michael Hammon, AIA at

Where’s Corey

Executive Vice President, Corey Clayborne, has pledged to travel around the state and visit firms, components, partner organizations, and universities.

Here’s his recent travel schedule:

AIA Local, State, and National Engagement

AIA Virginia Safety Assessment Program (SAP) Training
May 6

AIA Virginia Executive Committee Meeting
May 12

AIA Virginia Component Accreditation Summit
May 18

AIA Virginia Design Forum
June 3-4

Ambassador Engagement

Virginia NOMA Board of Directors Meeting
May 4

Virginia Tech School of Architecture + Design Advisory Board Meeting
May 9

APELSCIDLA Licensing Board Meeting
May 11

American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) PAC Golf Tournament
May 16

HousingX Conference on Affordable Housing
Newport News
May 24-25