Reis Elevated to Fellowship

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) is elevating one AIA members from AIA Virginia to its prestigious College of Fellows, AIA’s highest membership honor, for their exceptional work and contributions to architecture and society. Less than three percent of the architecture profession achieve AIA Fellowship.

The fellowship program was developed to elevate those architects who have achieved a standard of excellence in the profession and made a significant contribution to architecture and society on a national level. Architects who have been elevated to fellowship can be identified by the designation FAIA after their name.

Included in the list below are the newly elevated members from AIA Virginia:

• Mr. Robert V. Reis, FAIA

Visit AIA National’s website for more information on the College of Fellows or to view the complete list of newly elevated architect fellows.

Appreciation, Gratitude, and Applause

Rhea George, CAE, Hon. AIA Virginia, Hon. AIA Richmond

Nothing is forever.

No thing is forever.

No one thing is forever.

It is important to rejoice that things are as they are, when they are, for as long as they are.

After more than fifteen years of dedicated service to AIA Virginia – no less than five thousand six hundred fifty-one days to be precise – Rhea George is moving on.

Towards the end of this month, Rhea will join AIA national as Senior Director, Member Education.

Join us in expressing deep gratitude to Rhea for all she has done and accomplished and achieved and contributed during her magnificent tenure with AIA Virginia. And in wishing Rhea nothing but the very best.

We celebrate Rhea’s time with us and await all that is yet to come.

Thank you, Rhea. You will be missed. But your legacy and your impact will remain.

We are proud of you. And happy for you.

And we will be ever grateful.

Be well.

Start Talking

A new year has begun! Downtown Richmond, the central business district, has come alive with people traveling back and forth to Capitol Square, and the adjacent legislative offices. People waiting in line quietly at the legislative office buildings while others are marching with throngs of people, not so quietly!!  All hoping to make their opinions known to Virginia’s legislators.

Working in downtown Richmond for a number of years, this is the scene I have witnessed for many years. It marks the beginning of a New Year and a new Virginia legislative session. Frankly, I have really never given much thought as to its purpose and its importance; the fact is that I saw it more as a nuisance.

Over the past year, its importance and purpose have become very evident as I (we) have benefited from the hard work that the Joint Legislative Committee does.  (Current members are: Ed Gillikin, AIA, Stephen Weisensale, AIA, Lauren Sughrue, Associate AIA, and Rebecca Edmunds, AIA.) The Committee, working along with our lobbyist, has spent numerous hours reviewing, vetting, and discussing legislation related to the profession, climate change, resiliency, and other issues of importance. These efforts have benefited both citizens of the Commonwealth as well as the profession. This herculean endeavor by a small team of dedicated individuals is amazing.

 However, it made me wonder how much different things could/would be if:

  1. We were all advocates for the power of good design and its impact on the built environment.
  2. We were all advocates for the value that an Architect brings to a project and the built environment as a whole.
  3. We were all advocates for the influences of what a good design has on the human experience.

If indeed “knowledge is our currency” then it’s time to start sharing that “knowledge” with others and those who are making important decisions that impact our lives, the ecology environment, the built environment, the human experience, and the very profession which we practice.  It’s time to take action.

Change occurs when motivated individuals take action to improve conditions, solve problems, make social changes, improve environmental conditions, make changes to our lives, and change the status quo. As I have discovered, we should not be afraid to have reasonable debates and conversations as to the impact of any particular issue.  These collaborative discussions and discourse along with differing opinions and experiences can enrich the world in which we live and our individual lives.

I hope in the coming months we each find how we can become a part of these conversations ….. in our communities, our local AIA components, and AIA Virginia. These conversations have the ability to change the world in which we live and practice in. So let’s start talking!

Mitch Rowland, AIA
2023 President
AIA Virginia

Newly Licensed

James Atkins, AIA  (Central Virginia)

Have you recently passed the ARE? Upgrade your membership to Architect using this AIA form. or send an email to your Member Services Director, Cathy Guske,

Are you ready to get licensed? AIA Virginia has 60-day Amber Book subscriptions for $50 here>>

Have questions about licensure? Contact AIA Virginia’s State Licensing Advisor, Michael Hammon, AIA at

New Members

We are always excited to welcome new members to Virginia. The following members recently joined the ranks of AIA Virginia.

New Architect Members

Whitney Hudson, AIA (Central Virginia)
Valerie Long, AIA (Northern Virginia)
Brandon Maxwell, AIA (Blue Ridge)
David Rowson, AIA (Northern Virginia)
Chelsea Serrano-Piche, AIA (Northern Virginia)
Matthew Wheeler, AIA (Richmond)

New Associate Members

Elena Adams, Assoc. AIA (Hampton Roads)
Farimah Ansar Shorijeh, Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)
Rebecca Bish, Assoc. AIA (Richmond)
Lindsey Buyer, Assoc. AIA (Richmond)
Stacey Crawshaw, Assoc. AIA (Hampton Roads)
Joy Cunningham, Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)
Alexander Dillard, Assoc. AIA (Richmond)
John Fetty, Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)
Kallie Grose, Assoc. AIA (Hampton Roads)
Josiah Kinney, Assoc. AIA (Richmond)
Tony Lin, Assoc. AIA (Hampton Roads)
Elijah Muhammad, Assoc. AIA (Hampton Roads)
Saeideh Nekouee, Assoc. AIA (Central Virginia)
Brad Sipes, Assoc. AIA (Hampton Roads)
Victoria Skidmore, Assoc. AIA (Blue Ridge)
Briana Smith-Stiff, Assoc. AIA (Hampton Roads)
Himanshe Tomar, Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)
Philip White, Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)
Annabelle Woodcock, Assoc. AIA (Richmond)
Maryam Fahandezhsadi, Intl. Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)
Saeid Nayeri, Intl. Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)
Giuseppina Pringle, Intl. Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)

Transferred In

Caitlin Caum, Assoc. AIA (Central Virginia) from AIA Maryland
Lincoln Lewis, Intl. Assoc. AIA (Central Virginia) from AIA Washington DC
James Lugaila, AIA (Northern Virginia) from AIA New York State
Emily Margulies, AIA (Northern Virginia) from AIA International
Margaret Reed, AIA (Richmond) from AIA Pennsylvania
Elizabeth Sincerbeaux, AIA (Central Virginia) from AIA New York State
Robert Vance, AIA (Central Virginia) from AIA Texas Society of Architects

New/Renewed Allied Members

Dan Longenderfer, Director of Marketing, York Building Products

View all of the AIA Virginia Allied members

Highlights From the December Board Meeting

The 2022 AIA Virginia Board of Directors met for the final time in 2022 last month.

AIA Virginia | 2022 Board of Directors
Friday, 16 December 2022
Board Room | Offices of Williams Mullen (Richmond) and via Zoom

Motions Made and Approved:
 Approval of the 14 OCT 2022 Meeting Minutes
 Acceptance of the Consent Agenda
 Acceptance of the Inclusivity into the Profession Task Force Report
 Approval of the Treasurer’s Report
 Approval of the AIA Virginia Foundation

Call to Order
President, Robert Easter, FAIA called to order a meeting of the AIA Virginia Board of Directors at 9:41 a.m. and inquired about conflicts of interest.
Reilly shared the Mission Moment.
Easter presented the Minutes of the 14 OCT 2022 meeting, which were approved unanimously.
The Consent Agenda was accepted by unanimous vote.

Advance initiatives that support equity, diversity, and inclusion
Reilly presented the Final Report of the Inclusivity Into the Profession Task Force. The motion to accept
the report passed unanimously. The Board is invited to review the report. Discussions to
deliberate/incorporate the recommendations will occur at future Board meetings.

Be a model of a strong and growing non-profit organization
Hopkins presented the Treasurer’s Report. The motion to accept the report passed unanimously.
 Hopkins presented the AIA Virginia Year-End Investment Report.
 Dreiling presented an overview regarding the formation of the AIA Virginia Foundation as a 501(c)3. The motion to approve the formation passed unanimously.

Promote the value of membership
 Glenn presented the Advocacy Advisory Council Year-end Report.
 Saunders presented the Education Advisory Council Year-end Report.
 Conkey presented the Member Services Advisory Council Year-end Report.
 Frazier presented the Outreach Advisory Council Year-end Report.

Advance initiatives that promote resilient, sustainable, and equitable design excellence
 Battaglia presented the Annual Meeting of the Membership De-brief.
 George presented the Architecture Exchange East De-brief
 George presented the Visions for Architecture De-brief
 Nosbisch presented the APELSCIDLA Board Liaison report.

Certificates of Appreciation for service terms completed were presented to:
 Ryan Alkire, AIA
 Krystal Anderson, AIA
 Kevin Jones, AIA
 Sean Reilly, AIA
 Jay Scruggs, AIA
 Mark Treon, AIA
 Stephen Wakeman, AIA

The Board celebrated Robert Easter, FAIA for having recently received the Whitney M. Young, JR. Award.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Easter adjourned the meeting at 11:48 a.m.
The next meeting of the AIA Virginia Board of Directors immediately followed this meeting.
Minutes prepared by: Paul R. Battaglia, AIA, Executive Vice President
Minutes reviewed by: Krystal Anderson, AIA, Secretary

YAF Update

Happy new year everyone! Attached is a copy of “Now YA Know” and below is the link to the current Connection issue about DEI.

Connection Q3: 

This issue is truly an exceptional one with a diverse array of topics speaking on issues of accessibility, being seen, Just certification, advocating for immigrant professionals, designs that affirm, and so much more.

Connection Q4 is about the YAF Summit, but if you have any content you want to contribute and write please let me know and I’ll connect you with the editor.

Carrie Parker, AIA, LEED AP BD+C

Here We Go. Together.

Like many of you, I spent some time recently “planning” for the coming year – considering what I need to start doing, what I need to keep doing (albeit more effectively), and what (for various reasons) I need to stop doing.

In my particular case, these reflections coincide with having recently assumed a new role as EVP of the organization. This is an opportunity that I take seriously, for which I am grateful, and that I meet with a mixture of humility, optimism, and enthusiasm.

Paul Battaglia, AIA

The perspective afforded by this new role has not only confirmed but also quickened my appreciation for:

  • the professionalism, diligence, and dedication of the staff team
  • the volunteerism, passion, and stewardship of the leadership
  • the skills, talent, and collegiality of the membership
  • the contributions and collaborative spirit of our allies and strategic partners

I am increasingly grateful for and inspired by the impact of our profession, our organization, our members, and our leaders – both past and present. The legacy of our organization provides a substantial source of confidence. There is much of which we can be justifiably proud. There is also much yet to be done (i.e., realizing the potential and the promise of our current strategic plan).

I have been enjoying getting to work and joining in and finding my way. I have even been enjoying getting or staying, out of the way.

I relish the opportunity to participate in and further our collaborative efforts. And I anticipate our collective satisfaction as we fructify the opportunities and challenges that lie before us: some of which we are pursuing intentionally, many of which have yet to reveal themselves.

As befits your particular circumstances, and on behalf of the organization, our members, and myself:

  • I thank you for your contributions and support
  • I encourage you to sustain, or (re)commence your engagement
  • I ask that you remain vigilant in recognizing potential allies
  • and that you invite and encourage them to join and remain with us

I wish you, each of yours, and all of us, nothing but the very best for the new year.

Here we go! Together!

Paul Battaglia, AIA
Executive Vice President
AIA Virginia

Newly Licensed

We understand the dedication and effort required to study for and pass the ARE. Congratulations to the following member for passing their exams and gaining licensure. This is great news that thrills all of us and we are so proud to call you an architect!

Diana Y. Fang, AIA (Central Virginia)

Have you recently passed the ARE? Upgrade your membership to Architect using this AIA form. or send an email to your Member Services Director, Cathy Guske,

Are you ready to get licensed? AIA Virginia has 60-day Amber Book subscriptions for $50 here>>

Have questions about licensure? Contact AIA Virginia’s State Licensing Advisor, Michael Hammon, AIA at

New Members

We are always excited to welcome new members to Virginia. The following members recently joined the ranks of AIA Virginia.

New Architect Members

Leslie Becker, AIA (Blue Ridge)
Rahul Nebhani, AIA (Northern Virginia)
Hana Nguyenky, AIA (Central Virginia)
Joanne Trumbo, AIA (Northern Virginia)

New Associate Members

Daniel Banker, Assoc. AIA (Blue Ridge)
Philip Baxter, Assoc. AIA (Richmond)
Luke Glaab, Assoc. AIA (Hampton Roads)
Samantha Ihle, Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)
Ashleigh Jubinski, Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)
Georgia Krapf, Assoc. AIA (Richmond)
Christopher Lacey, Assoc. AIA (Richmond)
Elizabeth Mbrokoh Ewoal, Assoc. AIA (Northern Virginia)
Beatrice Nzeyimana, Assoc. AIA (Hampton Roads)
John A. Sturniolo, Assoc. AIA (Richmond)
Katherine Thomas, Assoc. AIA (Richmond)
Ruby Vaught, Assoc. AIA (Richmond)
Davey Wright, Assoc. AIA (Richmond)

Transferred In
Ushadevi Kotval, AIA (Richmond) from AIA Florida
Ryan B. Lewandowski, AIA (Richmond) from AIA New York State
Christopher McGill, AIA (Blue Ridge) from AIA North Carolina

New or Renewed Allied Members

Gloria Johannessen, Mgr. of Business Operations, Phoenix Noise & Vibration, LLC
Justin Trent, Design Director, Lynch Mykins Structural Engineers, PC

View all of the AIA Virginia Allied members