“The pace of change will never be this slow again.” ~ Design Futures Council

What a thrill it is to greet you from my new post as Executive Vice President of the Virginia Society AIA.  I feel like I was built (well, maybe designed!) for this position.  As of this writing, I have only been on the job for 20 days, but I can tell already that it is a perfect fit for me … and I likewise believe it will be a perfect fit for you.  Why such a “perfect fit” for me?  Because I can concentrate full-time on what has been most fulfilling in my professional career: giving back to the profession I love and supporting my fellow AIA members.  Why such a perfect fit for you?  Because my 30 years of AIA service as both a volunteer and staff member – along with my work experience in a small firm, a large firm, my own firm, and a non-profit – have prepared me well to serve, lead, and manage our professional society.

Helene Combs Dreiling, FAIA
Helene Combs Dreiling, FAIA

As most of you are aware, it was my honor to serve as President of the American Institute of Architects in 2014.  As a candidate for that office, my campaign platform focused on the need for a cultural transformation within our profession – for us to act, think, and behave in new ways in order to be perceived differently by the people we serve – the “big C” Culture.  This message of change resonated with the membership.  They knew that we could no longer operate in the former paradigm and that a “new normal” was in place.  We were a profession that was transfigured forever as a result of the recession.  Fortunately for me, the stars were in alignment, as the AIA had embarked on the Repositioning Initiative through the leadership and vision of my predecessors along with EVP/CEO Robert Ivy.

As President, I felt members were counting on me to shepherd as many aspects of the Repositioning as possible in the 365 days I had in office.  We worked feverishly to enhance the service and support the AIA affords it members, with an eye to deepening the member experience through the programs, projects, and initiatives provided.  I am proud of the extraordinary accomplishments of the AIA Board of Directors, the national staff team, and our local and state components towards a more nimble, visionary, responsive, and visible organization, all to the advantage of our individual members and the advancement of the profession at-large.

Now … I bring that experience and energy to bear for the benefit of the members of the AIA in Virginia and the continued vitality of our beloved profession in our state.  In the coming months, you will hear more about change, as I work with your dedicated Board of Directors and our talented staff members to “Reposition” the VSAIA using the wisdom (I hope!) gained from my national experience and exposure.  This, you must understand, is definitely not change for change’s sake.  It is a deliberate cultural shift in a host of areas – governance, communications, professional development, operational effectiveness, membership, advocacy, alliances – to elevate and enrich the member experience and to heighten the value you receive from your ‘investment’ in your professional society.

I very much look forward to serving in this capacity and I plan to share with you, in future issues, more about the vision and direction for these areas.  In my eyes, the member is first … and hopefully our efforts on your behalf will reflect that promise …

Helene Combs Dreiling, FAIA
Executive Vice President

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