The American Institute of Architects is bringing back the DesignVote program with new features, resources, and information for voters. DesignVote10 is a non-partisan effort to mobilize architects to vote while also providing opportunities to position AIA members front and center on public policy issues affecting the profession in the 2010 campaign.

For the first time, in an effort to inform members on the results of the Rebuild & Renew legislative campaign launched in 2008, the AIA has developed an online voter guide. The guide is intended to provide pertinent information to voters both within and outside of the Institute on legislation that impacts architects and the built environment.

The DesignVote10 site includes:

  • Key AIA Issues—the bills and votes in the 111th Congress pertinent to the AIA federal issues agenda and tracked by the AIA
  • Legislator Profiles—incumbent information, including official and campaign Web sites, the name and Web site for the district’s major party challengers, and how the incumbent voted or acted in regards to the key AIA issues
  • Resources—a directory of tools that will help you and your AIA chapter participate in the electoral process, including links to find polling locations, voter registration information, and toolkits to connect your AIA chapter with candidates and the media

As the general election approaches, the Institute hopes you will use the DesignVote site to make sure you are registered to vote, update your current voter registration, vote early by mail, find out where to vote on Election Day, and help inform your voting decisions. The links to the right will take you to your state election office’s Web site, which can process your voter registration and give you information on the absentee voting process in Virginia.

As a reminder, the deadline to register to vote in Virginia is Tuesday, Oct. 12. Please make sure your voter registration is current, and exercise your constitutional right to cast a ballot for the candidates and issues important to you on Nov. 2.

How you vote is a personal decision. DesignVote10 provides information to help you make the choice that is right for you.

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